Wednesday, December 17, 2008

There is an exception to every which there is an exception..for which there is an exception......

While it's been a while since my last post..and I must say the idea of putting something up just for the sake of it, is totally not worth it.. I've flirted with  several topics..Each one seemed a great idea...But i think this one is the best of the lot..The others are a little more insane...And I will  release them in a while..!  The topic is about how we tend make exceptions about rules and how they apply to certain people....So this lead me to a lot of thinking..and I've actually spent a lot of time thinking about this..and also self- observing how I carry out the above...So I beging by asking when we allow ourselves to create an  exception to a rule..When we do so..Do we not assume that the particular instance that we do make an exception is the last one ?  Is it not a pretty poor reflection on ourselves when we tend to go on making exception to rules again and again ? And I am not tallking about silly rules such as " No Choclates today " or " No skipping the gym today " and so on..maybe more serious ones..such as Alcohol abstinence..? Or quitting smoking for example ? And so I began to wonder at what point of time shold we draw the line and say..Enough is enough...Lets stop everything here!!  

The other point in this train of thought that I had is that when we have a certain opinion on something and the a rule we follow on some aspect of we often assume that it is ok for someone else that is a really good friend of ours...or someone that we care about.. to actually violate that rule and go against it..!@??? Why do we then try and spend some effort justifying the fact that it is ok to do so ? Are we then not hypocritical and  slightly disappointing ? Do we not then think to ourselves..Oh no..MAYBE  our opinion on the matter is wrong and that what the other person thinks is actually right ?  Do we always allow ourselves to change our opinion on things ?? Is that ok beacuse after all our opinions can be changed ?? Or do we stay rigid and true to ourselves. ? 

So this is what I have been thinking of  for a while,,and I would love to hear the opinions that you guys have...Mind you if the opionions are that I am a ravaging lunatic...I dont want to heat it..!!! 


Unknown said...

I think opinions are subject to change and that's what differentiates them from fixed ideas. As you grow older you learn to distinguish between the two because you learn to reason and be less judgmental about things/people that don't function your way. The same unfortunately applies for yourself - when you think you wanna let go of something but you're not being as hard on yourself as you ought to be, now that you're willing to see the other side of it, and eventually you give yourself more space.

Strwbrry_Fields said...

It's hard to find the balance between being realistic and flexible, and sticking to your principles no matter what. There are always exceptions to a rule. At the same time you have to make sure that an exception doesn't become the rule. We always have to find a middle path - moderation is good, excess isn't.

Strwbrry_Fields said...

btw please become a followed of my new blog, and not vision mumbai :P