Thursday, October 23, 2008

Do empty vessels really make more noise ?

This is something I have been thinking about for a couple of weeks now..and although this blog is meant to help make me not think of such topics in future, I have found that this is something I wonder pretty often on..So here goes, and this in intended for most of my Indian friends..Do we as Indians tend to spend most of our time thinking about stuff that is of absolutely no importance ? For e.g. Remember the day when you did that thing with all the other people, wasn't that fun ? That persons dress is so weird looking ? I wonder if he/she doesn't take a bath in the morning ? Does that person not like me or looking at me thinking " yuck those Indians ".. Is that girl seeing the guy she is sitting next to ?? and we all know how that questions leads on to another one..But for fear of having this blog flagged of as spam as well.I wont spell that out in words..But I hope you guys get what I mean ? Well if you don't have such random thoughts and think that I am just plain crazy ( Sure there are lots of you guys around ), then don't read on..You'll probably get more bored.

Well what I meant to say is this..Is it just us Indians that tend to " Think " a lot more than than usual Americans ?? Do we spend a lot of our energies actually thinking of such stuff ? And is that why American students are much more organized and ultimately more successful than us ? Is there really a solution to this random thinking ? And if we were to stop doing this random thinking...Would wonderful blogs like this ever come up ?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Why my Biological Clock needs a new Battery

Something I realized through the course of Last semester is that fact that I do indeed have a Biological clock...I've always wondered how people realize that they actually do have one.. But when you cant seem to get up before 2 in the afternoon and when you cant sleep before 3 in the sort of dawns on you that there's something wrong with your sleep cycle..Thats what led me to realize that yeah I might need to change the battery on my Bio-Clock ? !!! Its really putting off...You struggle to get up for class...Then since lab has started there's this need to sometimes get up at like 9 in the morning...And there is no was that can happen if i sleep at like 3 in the morning right ?? So whats the solution then..? ? Sleep early..Which is he he almost close to impossible..!!! So you might say, come you lazy ass, and wake up everyday by setting up an alarm ..!! But there comes the other problem.., i cna never ever ever get up to an alarm..Man those things are fucking irritating..!! But I have gotten up everytime i set up an alarm to see a Football match..which I've always thought of as pretty weird I wonder if getting up to an alarm has anything to do with actually want to get up in the morning..I mean yea obviously I have a slight bias towards seeing matches.But I really have wondered if there is a connection between the two..And added on top of that is my poor Roommate's continous wonderment at why I never seem to have to get up..So here goes..Is there an actual solution to changing the battery on my Biological Clock ?? Or i do go get a new one at WAL MART or something ?? Or even better, is it on Amazon ? ...